Critical Development

Language design, framework development, UI design, robotics and more.

Archive for June, 2008

New Spin on Spawning Threads

Posted by Dan Vanderboom on June 23, 2008

There are several good libraries (PFX, PLinq, CCR, etc.) available and coming out soon that help to write concurrent logic, providing various abstractions and control patterns.  Until I can incorporate these into my Compact Framework applications, however, I find myself spinning up threads in the usual way, and sometimes what I need to run concurrently doesn’t require any fancy coordination.

Here is the thread-spawning pattern I’ve used, and have seen used, countless times:

protected override void OnStart()
    Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Go));
    t.Name = "PrefetchLookupData";
    t.IsBackground = true;
    t.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;

private void Go()
    var c1 = LookupListDA.CustomerTypes;
    var c2 = LookupListDA.SalesOrderStates;
    var c3 = LookupListDA.VendorTypes;

The data layer shown in the example caches each lookup list internally the first time its property getter is accessed, so we can assign them to variables that are never used here and effectively “pre-fetch” our lookup list data while the user is waiting in the main menu, for example.

Using a lambda statement (anonymous method), we can consolidate this into a single named method, and avoid cluttering our class with a potential plethora of methods that may perform some ad hoc background thread processing.

protected override void OnStart()
    Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
        var c1 = LookupListDA.CustomerTypes;
        var c2 = LookupListDA.SalesOrderStates;
        var c3 = LookupListDA.VendorTypes;

    t.Name = "PrefetchLookupData";
    t.IsBackground = true;
    t.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;

After a little reflection, I came up with a similar pattern that further encapsulates the details, and in doing so, created an abstraction called LogicStream.  Other names that work are ExecutionStream or CodeStream, with the central concept being that you’re specifying a sequential set (stream) of instructions that runs parallel to the stream that defines it.

protected override void OnStart()
    new LogicStream("PrefetchLookupData", s =>
            var c1 = LookupListDA.CustomerTypes;
            var c2 = LookupListDA.SalesOrderStates;
            var c3 = LookupListDA.VendorTypes;

Like the second example, this approach doesn’t require a separate method, but it’s also completely self-contained: there is no thread manipulation code outside of this code block; any setup we need to do can either be done via parameters (“PrefetchLookupData” names the thread) or by specifying an additional code block for thread configuration (an example is shown below).  Finally, the LogicStream constructor immediately invokes the thread, which is a background thread by default, so nothing additional needs to be done.

Here’s a slightly more complicated example, showing how you can configure the thread and pass in multiple parameters.

using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace Demo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Main";

            new LogicStream("ThreadX", s =>
                // rename parameters passed into thread
                string ExtraInfo = s.Get<string>(0);
                int StartIndex = s.Get<int>(1);
                int EndIndex = s.Get<int>(2);

                // do work
                for (int x = StartIndex; x <= EndIndex; x++)
                    Console.WriteLine("x = " + x.ToString().PadRight(10) + s.Name);

                    // this code has access to the Thread object via the LogicStream
                    if (x > 90)
            }, "Width Data", 0, 100); // optional parameters passed into the LogicStream

            new LogicStream(t =>
                    // configure thread with complete flexibility
                    t.Name = "ThreadY";
                    t.IsBackground = true;
                    t.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
                s =>
                    for (int y = 0; y < 100; y++)
                        Console.WriteLine("y = " + y.ToString().PadRight(10) + s.Name.PadLeft(15));

            new LogicStream("ThreadZ", ThreadPriority.Lowest, s =>
                    for (int z = 0; z < 100; z++)
                        Console.WriteLine("z = " + z.ToString().PadRight(10) + s.Name.PadLeft(23));


When this program runs, three threads will fire up and start processing, but because all of the worker threads are background threads, at any time the console receives a key press, the application will exit.

The parameters passed into the first thread are constants, which of course could be defined within the LogicStream’s code block itself.  Because anonymous methods in C# create closures when necessary, you could use a variable defined within the method (in this case, Main), or make reference to the method’s argument, args, without needing to pass in any parameters at all.

Finally, here is the LogicStream class to make this work.

using System;

namespace System.Threading
    public class LogicStream
        public Thread Thread { get; private set; }
        public object[] Parameters { get; set; }

        protected Action<LogicStream> Action;
        protected long InstanceID;
        protected  static long NextInstanceID = 0;

        public LogicStream(Action<LogicStream> Action, params object[] Parameters)
            : this("LogicStream" + InstanceID.ToString(), ThreadPriority.Normal, true, Action, Parameters) { }

        public LogicStream(string Name, Action<LogicStream> Action, params object[] Parameters)
            : this(Name, ThreadPriority.Normal, Action, Parameters) { }

        public LogicStream(string Name, ThreadPriority Priority, Action<LogicStream> Action, params object[] Parameters)
            : this(Name, Priority, true, Action, Parameters) { }

        public LogicStream(string Name, ThreadPriority Priority, bool IsBackground, Action<LogicStream> Action, params object[] Parameters)
            this.Action = Action;
            this.Parameters = Parameters;

            InstanceID = NextInstanceID;
            Interlocked.Increment(ref NextInstanceID);

            Thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(InvokeAction));
            Thread.Name = Name;
            Thread.Priority = Priority;
            Thread.IsBackground = IsBackground;

        public LogicStream(Action<Thread> Config, Action<LogicStream> Action, params object[] Parameters)
            this.Action = Action;

            Thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(InvokeAction));

            InstanceID = NextInstanceID;
            Interlocked.Increment(ref NextInstanceID);


        protected void InvokeAction()

        public T Get<T>(int ParameterIndex)
            return (T)Parameters[ParameterIndex];

It’s very simple, but that’s the best part.  You have the choice to configure the thread properties through various constructor parameters, or by defining an anonymous configuration method that can line up nicely with your anonymous action method.  If you’re lazy and don’t want to name your thread, or if you’re spinning up a bunch of them to perform the same task, you’ll still get a thread name differentiated by an auto-incrementing InstanceID.

So this isn’t anything big, of course.  Just a little syntactic wrapper around Thread and ThreadStart classes, with simple patterns built in for passing and fetching parameters, and defining streams of parallel logic a little more intuitively and concisely.  The trick to concurrent programming is coordination among parallel threads: passing messages (posting to ports), serializing use of certain resources, and so on.

I spent much of yesterday watching all of the CCR videos again and studying that implementation, so I expect to be writing more about that in the near future.

Posted in Algorithms, Concurrency, Design Patterns | 6 Comments »

Software Development Meme

Posted by Dan Vanderboom on June 10, 2008

A meme, if you haven’t heard the term, is a word coined by Richard Dawkins.  It’s analogous to a gene, except that instead of being a unit of biological replication, a meme is a unit of cultural replication.  Though it gets a little melodramatic at the end, there’s a good video at that explains it fairly well.

So to follow the form of this meme, Damon Payne called me out on a series of questions about my experiences with software development.  I’ve answered some of these questions in my About Me page, but I think it’s good to share these things with new developers and those considering entering the field, so I’ll play along (with a little bit of copy-paste cheating).

I’ve also generalized it with new questions in parentheses, because there are exciting careers other than software engineering that people can benefit from hearing about.  Introducing this mutation in the meme, I believe, will provide some great perspective on other types of careers from some very interesting people.

How old were you when you started programming?

(How old were you when you started in your current career?)

I started programming at the age of 9 on an Apple 2c that my parents bought for Christmas, and also played around with Commodore 64, TI-99 4A, and gaming with the Atari 2600. After writing my first few programs, I already knew I wanted to do that for a living.  At the time, it probably would have been considered a very unrealistic career choice considering how immature the industry was, but I worked at it for hours every day for fun, and it’s definitely paid off. While in grade school, my parents signed me up for a high school programming class over the summer, and despite being by far the youngest and shortest kid in the class (and also because of that), it was a lot of fun.

What was your first language?

(What was the first technology you became familiar with?)

Apple BASIC.  No text editor.  You had to enter lines of logic from a DOS prompt by prefixing each line with the infamous "line number".  Inserting lines between existing lines meant finding an unused line number between them, so lines were written in increments of 10, 100, or whatever.

What was the first real program you wrote?

(What was the first achievement in your education that you were proud of?)

That depends on your definition of a real program.  They’re all real, as far as I can tell.  The first program I wrote for commercial use?  The first genuinely useful program?  That’s so long ago, I couldn’t say.  I was very much into linguistic analysis from an early age.  I used to write natural language processors that would, like Eliza applications years later, understand English statements and respond intelligently.  Mostly, I was breaking down sentences into syntactic trees and trying to determine tenses and so on.

I also played with graphics.  A few years after I started coding, I figured out enough trigonometry to draw points and then wireframes using 3D coordinates and got them to rotate on the screen.

Another hobby was creating Zork-like text games.  Go north.  Look at potion.  Pick up potion.  Drink potion.  Go south.  Fight monster.  That type of thing.  Boring by today’s standards, but representing the world, inventory, character status, etc., it was very gratifying at the time.  Guess you’d have to be there.

What languages have you used since you started programming?

(What other technologies have you learned since you started?)

Apple BASIC, Turbo Pascal, Apple Pascal, C, C++, 8086 Assembler, VBA, VB6, VB.NET, C#, and countless scripting languages.

What was your first professional programming gig?

(What was your first professional white-collar job?)

My first commercial application was working for my Uncle Ted at Pitney Bowes.  They were doing a project for UPS, and the DOS computers they were rolling out needed some kind of menu front end to appear and launch applications on boot up.  Using Turbo Pascal, I created a configuration-file-driven menu with multiple menu pages.  The menu buttons had some neat display effect, and they could be selected to launch an application or jump to another menu page.  It took me two half days, if I remember correctly, I was paid in cash, and they paid for and fetched my lunch.  I was 15 at the time, and I loved every minute of it.  I knew then that a career in computer programming was feasible.

If you knew then what you know now, would you have started programming?

(If you knew then what you know now, would you have started in your present career?)

Yes.  Even if I hadn’t pursued programming as a career, I believe that even tinkering with programming has become very useful in many, especially scientific, careers.  I wouldn’t have gone about it in the same way, but then who would?

If there is one thing you learned along the way that you would tell new developers, what would it be?

(If there’s one or two things you learned along the way that you found have been instrumental to your success, what would you like to share with newbies?)

There are many things I would say.  Don’t be intimidated by the technology; even the best start out completely ignorant.  Take a systematic approach to learning and mastering whatever you need to accomplish your goals, and especially master the language and tools you’ll be using.  Have personal goals you want to achieve; don’t write code to serve others exclusively.  Work on fun projects.  Expand your horizons and explore areas you’ve never had experience with before.  But if I could share only one thing, it would be to balance learning of technical skills with the so-called soft skills: communication, presenting, negotiating, planning, etc.

What’s the most fun you’ve ever had programming?

(What’s the most fun you’ve ever had in your career?)

A few moments come to mind.  Programming a robotic arm in high school.  Staying up until 4am drinking a case of Mountain Dew with John Richardson in high school, cranking out code for new games (for TopSoft Software).  More recently, playing with Phidgets robotics and the Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio.

Who am I calling out?

Michael Burnham

John Lichinia

John Richardson

Phil White

Beth Humphries

Posted in Personal | Leave a Comment »

TechEd 2008

Posted by Dan Vanderboom on June 9, 2008

If you weren’t able to make it to TechEd this year, you really missed out on a fantastic conference and countless opportunities to explore, learn, meet, and connect.


I didn’t bring a digital camera, so I take ultimate responsibility for the results, but I was duped into Kodak’s very misleading marketing when I bought a couple of their disposal “digital” cameras.  I found out while developing them at Walgreen’s that it’s actually a film camera.  Apparently they get away with calling it digital because the price of the camera includes having the pictures burned to a CD, which is a digital object.  I still don’t get how the camera can be called digital.  This is dishonest as far as I’m concerned.  Shame on you, Kodak.

So aside from 50 grainy pictures (of memories that are fuzzy to begin with, due to closing the bar every night of the week), it was a great time.  From sessions on robotics and game development, to Carl Franklin jamming on acoustic guitar at the conference center, to meeting and talking with Microsoft employees and others about emerging technologies, and VIP and MVP parties at Charley’s Steakhouse (phenomenal food and service) and House of Blues (thanks Beth!  hi Theresa!), there was something there for every-nerd.

Here’s another bad picture of something I found pretty funny: it’s Windows rebooting on a kiosk at Universal Studios and informing us that we may want to start in safe mode.


Here’s one more bad picture, this time of me, at Universal Studios, hanging out with Jaws.


I paid particular attention, and even took notes, on the presenters’ speaking styles and skill levels, technical competence, confidence, enthusiasm, audience engagement and participation, humor, as well as the tools they used for zooming, screen annotation, altering UI and font sizes for the audience, etc.  I’ve given some serious thought to submitting proposals for future conferences, and during some of the sessions I couldn’t help but think, “That should be me up there!”

Overall, TechEd has gotten me excited, and sessions often left me wanting to write tons of code and build lots of new programs, from small but useful Pocket PC apps to radical new ideas for libraries, UI frameworks, and robotics control systems.  As The Damonator accurately explained, conferences like TechEd are great for getting you re-energized about development.  It’s been a few years since I was at DevConnections, and I hope I’ll be able to attend these events (PDC later this year, for example) more frequently in the future.

Bill Gates’ Keynote

Bill Gates gave his last public speech Tuesday morning as a full time Microsoft member.  I’ve seen some videos of him online, and I wasn’t blown away by his presenting style.  It’s not very smooth, and he doesn’t seem very comfortable going through a rehearsed script.

However, when it came time to answer audience questions, his intelligence shone through in spades.  His answers were insightful, articulate, and substantive, even when the questions were confusing, long-winded, or occasionally really lame.


Toward the end of Bill Gates’ keynote, a robot rolled out balancing on two wheels, featuring an LCD screen with a still picture of Steve Ballmer’s head and very articulate arms: the Ballmer-bot is $60,000 of hardware, and I can’t even guess the amount for design and software development.  It balanced on its wheels while the arms extended (changing its center of gravity, which requires compensation), and it announced loudly, “Developers! Developers! Developers!”  Over and over again.  Very funny and well done.  The Ballmer-bot handed Gates his “lifetime XBox Live membership”.  The only disappointing part was the wire that connected this humanoid robot to some kind of game controller.  Why wasn’t it wireless?  As someone pointed out to me, the last thing they wanted for Gates’ last speech was for this robot to get away from them and launch itself into the crowd, injuring someone.  So it must still be in beta.  🙂

I had a chance to meet and talk with Nicolas Delmasso from SimplySim (located in France).  They are experts in 3D simulation.  SimplySim was involved in creating the simulation environment for Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio, which is based on the XNA Game Developer Studio.  SimplySim will likely be working on support for physics to support flight soon (helicopters, airplanes, etc.), as that has been so frequently requested.  How cool would it be to program autonomous aircraft for search and rescue or fire fighting scenarios?  RoboChamps could create same amazing new competitions based on this.

I also attended a session called Software + Services + Robots, which I think is a clever name.  This was about building the RoboChamps competition itself and all of the technology involved, including social/community aspects, Silverlight media content, writing referee services, cameras that can be watched from their website by spectators, and much more.

Session Highlights

There were so many good sessions to attend.  During a few time slots, I found myself annoyed that there wasn’t much to be excited by, but most of the time slots had so many good sessions scheduled simultaneously, it was difficult to pick just one.  In some cases, I didn’t: I went to one for ten or fifteen minutes, and then changed my mind and went to another.

Unity & Prism – Lightweight IoC & WPF Composite Clients

It was during one of these switch-ups that I wound up catching the tail end of one of Glen Block’s talk on the Unity and Prism libraries.  Unity is a lightweight, IoC dependency injection container that is almost identical to one I created about two years ago while working for Panatrack, and which I have redesigned working for CarSpot.  Unity does support some things that I didn’t have any need for, and I really like Unity’s approach: for example, allowing you to plug in your own module loader and module initializer, separately.  Prism is the new composite client framework (they’re cautiously calling it a library now, I think) for WPF, though its concepts can be used in other technologies (like Windows Forms) with some additional work.  This is essentially a redesign and simplification of the same concepts that appeared in the Smart Client Software Factory, and I’m really excited to see support for patterns like MVC and MVP, which I use extensively.  Prism will work with Silverlight (great news!), but neither Unity nor Prism support Compact Framework currently.  If I end up using one or both of them, I will likely port them to Compact Framework, and will contribute to the project on CodePlex so that everyone will benefit.

XNA Game Development on Zune

This was a great lunch session.  Andrew Dunn explained that Game Studio, DirectX, and a few others are all owned by the XNA brand, and he demonstrated not only how to create a game from templates installed from Game Studio, but also how to publish the game on XBox live so it can be rated and reviewed by other game developers.  I’m definitely going to join the Content Creator’s Club so I can play around with this.

Unfortunately, XNA is not supported for Windows Mobile devices.  Zune was chosen primarily because it’s a fixed target, but as Zune runs some version or subset of the Compact Framework, hopefully a Windows Mobile version will emerge sometime in the not-so-distant future.  With 3D accelerator cards and VGA or better screens appearing in awesome new phones like the HTC Diamond, this could be a hot new gaming platform.  Zune is very limited, of course, but it still sounds like a lot of fun, especially knowing that up to 16 Zunes can play via the built-in Wifi.

Data Visualization Applications with Windows Presentation Foundation

Tim Huckaby did a great job and attempted to break the record for the most demos done in a single presentation.  I don’t know if he accomplished his goal, but he did do a dazzling number of nice demos.  He showed off the cancer research 3D molecule application (which strangely plugs into SharePoint), and had guest presenters walk through an application that allows administration, monitoring, and flexible visualizations of all of the slot machines in various casinos around the world.

My favorite demo, though, was a system that manages tours of the San Diego Zoo, the largest zoo in the world, and apparently impossible to see in its entirety in a single day.  Visitors can specify what animals and attractions they’re interested, and the system will map out a path and plan for them, making sure they see animals at the best times (while pandas are eating, at 2pm, for example).

Hardcore Reflection

I eat, sleep, and breathe reflection, so it was a special treat to see Dustin Campbell’s 400-level session on this topic.  I still wasn’t sure I would learn much, but I’m glad I went.  From dispelling myths about reflection’s performance and memory consumption problems (which were real prior to .NET 2.0), to seeing some (albeit simple) examples of creating dynamic methods and emitting IL, I got a few nuggets of goodness out of this.

Mock Objects & Advanced Unit Testing

I saw a presentation at a local .NET User Group about mock objects, specifically with Rhinomock.  Typemock was mentioned, and something peculiar, interesting, and… amazing was happening, and I knew C# was incapable of making use of the code I saw up on the screen, and then someone asked.  It turns out that Typemock uses the Debugger Profiler API to rewrite the code as it executed on the desktop.  A similar approach is used for code coverage in NCover.  Because of the dependency on this API, these tools won’t work for Compact Framework software, and so they’re useless to me.

I do have a plan to bring code coverage to Compact Framework, perhaps even plugging into NCover.  I’ll be writing some articles about that this summer, I’m guessing.


Overall, TechEd was a great experience.  I met a lot of interesting people, was inspired with new ideas, and had seriously geeky conversations with some very smart people.  As I took notes for each session, I found myself jotting down specifications for new applications and tools that I’m eager to start working on, and enhancements and new avenues to explore for ongoing projects that I’ve already blogged about.

Posted in Conferences, Personal, Reflection, Robotics | 2 Comments »